Phases of Engineering

Engineering in a new technical domain is exhilarating, but can also be daunting: how should one structure building a product in light of significant unknowns? The road to shipping something novel can be a long one — so long, in fact, that it can be challenging to know when and where to get started. While each development will chart a unique path, there are commonalities shared across them that can serve as a useful guide for taxonomizing the process of engineering.

Specifically, we divide engineering work into phases.

  • Scoping: Determining what problem is to be solved

  • Exploration: Investigate potential ways to solve the problem

  • Prototyping: Develop enough of a concrete artifact to evaluate ideas

  • Determination: Making a decision as to technical direction

  • Development: Actively build!

  • Validation: Confirm that the built artifact is functional

  • Stress: Operate the built artifact at sufficient load to break it

  • Production: Ship and deploy the built artifact

While the implication is clearly temporal, they shouldn’t be inferred to be overly rigid with respect to time: one phase often bleeds into the next without clear demarcation, and there are cases when one doesn’t necessarily flow from one phase neatly into the next at all (or even moves backwards). Moreover, there are cases when a project will be in multiple phases concurrently, and there are domains in which specific phases have no applicability and should be foregone entirely. In short, apply your common sense and good judgement when applying them to a particular project or endeavor.

Note that for hardware artifacts, the process is necessarily more linear with respect to time; once Determination has been made, Development, Validation, Stress and Production will be formally demarcated with hardware builds, as outlined in [rfd92].


An early (and critical!) first activity is to scope the problem: what is to be solved? Often as important, what problem is not to be solved? What are customer constraints? What are the economic constraints? What are the physical constraints? What are the performance expectations? What is the threat model? One need not have answers to all of these questions (and indeed, some of these questions may well not apply to a specific problem), but one should have some questions to be answered as part of scoping. The scope of the problem will help guide exploration.


Once tasked with a scoped problem, engineers should survey the solution space. Depending on the nature of the problem, this exploration may involve some form of literature review (including both formal and informal writing); a survey of open source projects; a review of hardware technologies and products; and conversations with domain experts.

In cases where exploration is difficult to structure (as it may be when the solution space is particularly open-ended or when one is entirely new to the domain), one can think of exploration as asking (and answering!) a series of questions.

What questions can guide inquiry?

A first question to ask is a bit of a meta-question: what questions can guide the inquiry into a domain? Writing these down can be helpful for guiding exploration. Often seemingly elementary questions have deep answers — or may themselves represent open questions. And of course, some (or perhaps even many) of these questions may simply reflect naïveté in the domain — but answering these questions over the course of exploration will represent budding mastery.

What has been formally written about the domain?

For nearly any domain, there is almost assuredly some formal, peer-reviewed technical writing that at least makes reference to it. Literature should be surveyed, with copies of notable papers (or perhaps even infamous ones) tracked, ideally with some commentary.

In terms of starting a literature survey, one can start with publicly searchable archives like Google scholar, arXiv.org, and dblp. It can also be quite helpful to look for conferences specific to the domain, e.g. FAST for file system technology, NSDI for networking, ASPLOS for computer architecture, HotChips for microprocessors, USENIX Security Symposium, SOSP, OSDI and USENIX ATC for software systems.

Perhaps there’s a survey paper or article? If so, follow these references to search the literature. If you hit paywalls at ACM or IEEE, try searching for the title of the paper; ACM and IEEE both allow authors to make their work available without restriction, and many take this liberty.

If there are one or two papers that seem especially thought provoking, strongly consider running them through a Journal Club, as described in [rfd38].

What technologies should be experimented with?

Ultimately, engineering artifacts are concrete. For most domains, there will exist some technologies that can be experimented with to facilitate exploration. This experimentation is essential, as it often yields much better questions. For pure software systems, the path to experimentation is clear, but for systems that represent both hardware and software, it can be quite a bit more challenging; creativity may be required to find a way to simulate an otherwise unapproachable domain.

What documentation can be consumed?

For some new technologies, documentation will be spartan (or worse, out dated or contradictory) — but for many, there will be at least serious, earnest attempts to document. Especially for hardware components, documentation is often available; these should be consumed!

What informal writing exists?

Informal writing — blog entries and so on — can be a valuable resource. For esoteric domains, these might be hard to find, but can be incredibly valuable when unearthed!

What presentations can be viewed or listened to?

We blessedly live in an era where talks are not only recorded, but disseminated freely. This gives an entirely different medium by which to consume and synthesize information — and can be consumed on commutes, doing household chores, etc.

Who are the experts in the domain?

By looking at the literature and technologies available, surveying informal writing and so on, some of the same names will likely appear. Experience has taught us that it is worth reaching out to these experts directly, often earlier rather than later. For many (if not most!) their work is esoteric and doesn’t necessarily enjoy a wide audience; they often appreciate the opportunity to discuss it with someone else who is interested! They can also provide a useful lay of the land, other experts to speak with and so on.

Who are the potential partners?

What companies, entities or associations are active in the domain? Are there companies that we should be partnering with? How can we get to conversations with these partners?

How are unit economics affected?

Does the domain have the ability to affect our unit economics? While it will certainly be true that many will not affect unit economics one way or ther other — those that can can be profoundly important. Certainly, if a technology is going to adversely impact unit economics, this should be determined quickly and factored into any decision about its application. But if creative use of a technology has the capacity to positively impact unit economics, this may make a domain especially attractive!

What is the competitive landscape?

What are our competitors doing? This question is last because it is often least interesting — but it is an important question to consider nonetheless, if only to be able to differentiate our own endeavors.


Exploration will yield candidate technologies, but to really assess suitability, prototyping will often be required. In the earliest days, prototyping will amount to understanding the basics of a technology — but even this can be revealing: many a promising technology has quickly disappointed with poor implementation of quotidian details like documentation and tooling!

Beyond the earliest experimentation, prototyping should be focused: what question or questions is the prototype trying to answer? Without guiding questions, it is easy for prototyping to become desultory. If there are multiple technologies to evaluate, the same questions should ideally be asked of each prototype. And the objective of a (or each) prototype should not be to become fully functional (after all, many a fully functional prototype has been errantly shipped into production!), but rather to inform the determination of a technology.


At some point, technology direction must be determined: a decision must be made, and a direction committed to. As [rfd113] expands upon in detail, the right moment to make a determination is often more art than science: done too early, a decision may be hasty — and may need to be revisited, reversed or (worst of all) lived with in perpetuity. Done too late, however, and precious time can be wasted analyzing obvious dead ends or needlessly verifying what is clearly the right path. Values come into clear tension here: curiosity, courage, teamwork, and optimism may lead us to want to spend more time prototyping; urgency leads us to want to leave determination implicit and focus purely on development; rigor, diversity, and thriftiness encourage longer and more formal analysis and review processes with more participants, to avoid costly mistakes.

When grappling with equivocation over an important determination, it can be helpful to ask: what is the desired end state? Does this decision move in the wrong direction with respect to that end state? That is, is urgency requiring a decision that will need to be later reversed? Or does this determination advance towards the desired end state, albeit incompletely? What is the scope and commitment of the determination? What are the consequences of the determination elsewhere in the stack? Where the interface is contained (that is, where the determination is essentially an implementation detail), determination can have the solace of some measure of reversibility. But that said, it is a mistake to assume that all decisions are reversible: technology decisions deep in the stack are often only reversible at prohibitive expense; their determination should be made as rigorously as urgency permits.

Once made, a determination should be recorded in an RFD. Even if this determination feels somewhat tentative, it is important to record that a direction has been determined — and will remain the direction until proven to be non-viable. History has shown that this is especially valuable in retrospect: if past determinations must be revisited, having the rationale of the past helps assure that hard-won wisdom is not discarded in the future.


Once the problem is scoped, the alternatives explored, prototypes experimented with and a direction established, development begins in earnest. In the course of development, smaller problems will arise that will repeat the cycle of scoping, exploration, prototyping and determination — but with large decisions made (and scope established), these smaller eddies should be of a size that befits the scale of the problem. There may be some cases — hopefully rare — where over the course of development it is becoming increasingly clear that either determination was in error, or exploration missed an important alternative, or (perhaps most likely) the work of development has unearthed issues that raise questions as to the direction’s viability. In these cases, it is critical that engineers not engage in a so-called death march whereby everyone knows that the direction is wrong, but no one feels empowered to do anything about it. If the wrong determination was made, it is better to know that sooner than later; sometimes the most focused teams are the ones that have been empowered to backtrack and take a better path!


At some point during development — perhaps early in development, perhaps later, depending on the technology — validation will need to begin. In general and where possible, validation should be biased to be earlier rather than later: the problems unearthed in validation can result in significant development changes; if validation begins too late in the development process, overall schedule may be adversely affected.


At some point — likely as part of validation and often in parallel with the later stages of development (but occasionally much earlier) — stress testing should begin. A product or system or subsystem or component should be taken to its breaking point: it should be made to fail, or otherwise abused to the point that it cannot function. These failures should be understood, which can be challenging: because they are often (if not always) synthetic in their construction and load, it can be tempting to dismiss anomolies seen during stress testing as non-representative — but these are often the last opportunities to understand emergent behavior in a controlled environment.


When an artifact is deployed into production, the engineering process does not stop but rather enters an important critical phase: systems in production must be listened to and understood. In particular, it should be fully expected that there will be some class of failures that are seen only in production — and the ultimate success of a product may depend on its ability to be improved based on these early failures. As such, this phase can be anticipated in earlier phases by building a product to be understood when it is deployed: to provide the necessary data to allow it to be improved.

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